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Amazing. Art pops, gameplay is addictive. The gameplay loop feels perfect for a farming sim. I do think it would be nice to have a day clock somewhere on the screen since night would often come up when I least expected it. Additionally something to the effective of a tips/ability guide in the menu would be really nice much like the other parts of the encyclopedia. Honestly I would love to play this on Nintendo Switch after it is finished for PC and iOS since it seems like a perfect fit. Can't wait for the full release!


Hey!! Thanks so much for your feedback! I thought about the clock thing but thought it might make it too "stardew-valley"-like? But yeah, it's good feedback. Also, how do you think a tips and ability guide could work on the encyclopaedia? We still need to add the Superpower Cards to the encyclopaedia, that's next in production. Did you mean something like that? Or something else? Like, actual tips on how to do stuff?

Yeah I can see what you mean about the clock. I do think it would help especially the further you go along since the day can sometimes feel really short although that is maybe the intention.

As for the Superpower Cards, yeah having them in the encyclopedia would be nice. I meant more so like a screen that showed all your current movement options like in the options menu to refresh players if they haven't played in a little while. It would be faster than reviewing all the superpower cards individually after a certain point.

The actual tips I was referring to were like maybe hints at good combo ideas or explaining how random debris shows up every once in a while. Just small little snippets that would maybe fit between segments of the game like maybe when your total is being calculated for the day. The issue there might be that the animation may need to be longer for that to really be feasible so maybe not worth it. Just an idea though.

good game graphics

Thank you!!


you got a fun and addicting game! You got really good animations as well!

Thank you so much!! It's so nice to read!